World Teachers’ Day is commemorated at UDST

He University of Doha for Science and Technology (UDST) celebrated World Teachers’ Day by hosting a workshop on STEM and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The event was attended by faculty members and teachers from TVET and STEM schools across Qatar, along with UDST president Dr. Salem Al-Naemi and representatives from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) and the UNESCO Office for the Gulf States and Yemen.
The workshop aimed to highlight the importance of STEM and TVET in skills development and nation-building while also providing teachers with practical knowledge to enhance teaching and learning. Prof. Michael Phillips, director of the Applied Research, Innovation, and Economic Development Directorate at UDST and coordinator of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre, led the first session, focusing on the future significance of STEM and TVET education.
In the second session, UDST featured Dr. Johnson Bradley, academic manager of the Department of Applied and Experiential Learning, and Martha Robinson, an expert in experiential learning and certification, to discuss practical approaches and advancements in education further.