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Qatar pledges to promote children’s rights

During the implementation of Qatar National Vision 2030, the State of Qatar reiterated its dedication to upholding and advancing children’s rights in accordance with its commitments under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its Optional Protocols. Qatar highlighted its substantial progress in this area over the past ten years, achieved through various legislative and executive measures across multiple sectors.

This affirmation was conveyed by Sheikha Al Maha Mubarak Al-Thani, Third Secretary of Qatar’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, during her address on “Promoting and Protecting Children’s Rights” before the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural) of the United Nations General Assembly. She emphasized that Qatar prioritizes children’s rights, especially the right to education. She noted that Qatar’s national expenditure on education represents over 10% of its total budget, ranking among the highest globally.

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